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  • mdegiovannitherapy

Pause, Breathe, Reflect

Woman in lotus pose looking back on her year

In the space between what was and what will be is a place – an opportunity – to pause, breathe, reflect. With kindness, we can look back at the year gone by. Reflect on the paths we’ve walked. Appreciate the moments that have shaped us.

We can acknowledge the challenges we’ve faced. The fragile moments that pushed us to expand beyond our perceived limits. And the sweet moments that revealed some of life’s treasures, mysteries, and beauty to us. In this place, we take it all in. Before embarking on a new beginning.


Take some time to consider the past year in your life.

What took place in just the right way for you?

Are their experiences that felt abundant and pure?

What urged you to grow?

Were there obstacles that led you somewhere unexpected and good?


Look back with gratitude for all of it. The difficulties you faced. The resilience you found during the tough stuff. And the precious happy memories that are now a part of your larger life story. Pause here in the in-between. Breathe.

Before you look ahead, honour what you’ll leave behind. And consciously choose what you’ll take with you.

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